Now you did it, I'm completely baffled. Yesterday my blog had more traffic in one day then in the days before. One can get addicted to statistics, I suppose. But then, that's the easiest way to find out if you're writing for yourself or if anyone else is actually reading all the stuff.
Yesterday I took the time to count the EPP shapes for the "Mystery Project" - I will need 345 pieces in all, I'm done with 41, leaves 304 until finish.
Since the "mystery" component was remarked upon very positively, I decided to not just use "any screenshot" of my pattern, but to use one specific picture, so you always will have the same scale.
Here's the "new official" version of the Mystery Project picture from yesterday, this one is made up to my new specs.
If anyone is so crazy as to try a little QAL, all necessary templates and papers are - of course - available at, but also at my best-loved German resource, Just drop me a note and I will tell you which shapes are needed.
Actually, without Evelyn Zuber and her templates and papers, I wouldn't be so happy trying whatever design comes to mind, since ordering at always brings the "customs" problem.
Oh and, in case someone is afraid of following a newbie bloggers QAL - this one WILL get finished, otherwise I couldn't take part in the competition ;)
Wow that is going to be amazing ... I haven't tried EPP yet. I'm a scaredy cat :)
AntwortenLöschenIt's easy, really. I didn't haev much more than a two-page tutorial from the shop that sells the templates and patterns. I'd suggest you get Jessica Alexandrakis book and try it out. She explains wonderfully, the pictures are crystal clear.
LöschenAnd - something she doesn't mention ;) If you're an experienced PowerPoint User, you can plan your quilts in PP, it's what I do.
I get addicted to stats on my blog, too! It's interesting when traffic shows up, right? Also, love the paper piecing design!
AntwortenLöschenThanks for the compliments, I've borrowed the idea from Willyne Hammerstein who uses something very similar on her book "Millefiori Quilts"